Frequently Asked Questions

How are you different from your competitors?

1. Fast Results

We don't drag the process along like our competitors love doing. Usually, the cheaper their services are, the less they are likely to care about getting you fast and positive results. The same goes for major corporations who have a history of only caring about profit and the bottom line. We want you in and out of our program as fast as possible so you can start living the life you deserve.

2. No Tricks

There are no hidden fees. We are very transparent and upfront about everything we do including our charges. Some companies who advertise they don't charge any upfront costs, like a processing or setup fee, are most likely making up for it by prolonging your results by limiting disputes each month.

3. 24/7 Access and Team Support

Providing you with 24/7 team support through our numerous social networks and chat feature on our website allows you to ask us any questions you have at anytime. You even have 24/7 access to your Personal Online Dashboard to monitor your progress and review your results.

4. Affordable and Personal

Our services are month-to-month with no long term contracts. Our pricing is comparable to others in the industry but our services and personal attention we give you is unbeatable. You will have your own personal Credit Specialist assigned to you as your point of contact throughout the entire process. No more guesswork and no more stressing.

What is your processing fee?

Our processing fee is only $299 for individuals and $399 for couples and the fee covers us to:

  • Immediately input all of your information into our system.
  • Create your Personal Online Dashboard account.
  • Write personalized (not generic) dispute letters on your behalf
  • and mail them to all three credit bureaus.

We do not wait to mail out your dispute letters. We immediately begin working for you.

Can you repair credit for those living in other states?

Absolutely! We are currently servicing 25 states. We are rapidly expanding, so feel free to call or email us to see if we are legally operating in your state or check us out on Google for the list of states we are servicing in.

Do I need to stop by your office to sign up for my credit evaluation appointment?

No, there is no need to stop by our office. We service clients all over the country and couldn't possibly expect everyone to drive to us. We make it easy and convenient by allowing you to either call or sign up online for your free over-the-phone credit evaluation. All credit evaluations and services are completed through telephone, email, and text message. No driving necessary.

Why are you month-to-month?

Everyone's credit report reacts in a unique way, there are no two alike. So, we designed our service plans in a way that allows you to only pay for the amount of help you need.

It doesn't make sense to have everyone pay for the same length of time when everyone's report is so different. Others may only have a few remarks to debate, whereas, others may have over 20 negative items to dispute.

Are you able to pull my credit report?

By law, no one in the credit repair industry is allowed to pull your credit report. We are not a lender, mortgage broker, or loan officer.

There may be companies out there that are able to charge you to pull your credit report once you enroll in their program, but we follow the laws governing this industry rather than seek loopholes for more profit.

Where can I pull my credit report from?

If you're working with a broker or lender, oftentimes they can provide you with a copy of your credit reports.

Otherwise, we would need you to pull your own reports. Please visit one of these websites to pull your credit reports from all three credit bureaus. This ensures a more accurate representation and outcome.

Credit Check Total

Identity IQ

Score Sense

What are your payment methods?

We accept ACH, which automatically withdraws from your checking account, Visa and MasterCard debit or credit cards, and American Express.

Do you charge for every deletion?

Of course not. We offer unlimited disputes and deletions (amongst other awesome features) so you know that the price you signed up for is the price you pay.

Unfortunately, there are so many companies out there that charge for the items that were deleted from your report, on top of their monthly fees. One month your services can cost you $40 and the next month can jump up to $125 just like that.

We don't operate a business that charges more to people who may need more help. Everyone is treated equal and pays the same amount they signed up for.

Do you guarantee the number of deletions or a certain credit score?

No. It is illegal for any company to promise or guarantee an outcome. Predicting results is like predicting the winning lottery number. Steer clear from companies making these "promises" as they can be a scam.

Since everyone's credit is unique and reacts differently during the dispute process, a number of situations can arise from the creditors or bureaus that may prolong the outcome. With so many factors involved, we feel that if we haven't been successful in deleting any negative remarks from your report, then you're entitled to some sort of refund.

What negative items can you dispute and remove?

We work on disputing all negative items on your credit report, including but not limited to:

Bankruptcies, Foreclosures, Collections, Charge-Offs, Repossessions, Judgments, Liens, Excessive Inquiries, Late Payments, Fraud, Identity Theft, Reporting Errors, and Public Records.

What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act is a federal law that was enacted in 1970 to promote the accuracy, fairness, and privacy of personal information in the files of consumer reporting agencies.

It is intended to protect consumers from the willful and/or negligent inclusion of inaccurate information in their credit reports. It allows you to personally engage in disputing the errors listed on your credit report.